602 research outputs found

    Impact of river management history on the community structure, species composition and nutrient status in the Rhine alluvial hardwood forest

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    The present-day Rhine alluvial hardwood forest (Querco-Ulmetum minoris, Issler 24) in the upper Rhine valley (France/Germany) is comprised of three vegetation units, one still flooded by calm waters (F) and the two others unflooded, one for 30 years (UF30) (after the river canalisation) and the other for about 130 years (UF130) (after river straightening and embankment work in the middle nineteenth century). In the three stands, species composition, structure and diversity of vegetation and nutrient content of mature leaf, leaf litter and soil have been studied. Fungi (Macromycetae) were only studied in two stands (F and UF130). The intensity of nutrient recycling was exemplified by comparing the chemical composition of rainwater, flood, throughfall, mature leaf, leaf litter, soil and groundwater in two of these stands (F and UF30). The elimination of floods has caused a change in floristic composition, tree density and plant diversity. Tree density was higher in the two unflooded stands and was related to a large increase in sapling (< 6 cm dbh) density more than to a change of stem (> 6 cm dbh) density. Sapling density increased 2 times and three times in the UF30 and the UF130 respectively, whereas the stem density increased only 12% in the first stand and decreased 29% in the second one. The saprophytic macromycete communities have been supplemented with mycorrhizal species

    Impact of river management history on the community structure, species composition and nutrient status in the Rhine alluvial hardwood forest

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    The present-day Rhine alluvial hardwood forest (Querco-Ulmetum minoris, Issler 24) in the upper Rhine valley (France/Germany) is comprised of three vegetation units, one still flooded by calm waters (F) and the two others unflooded, one for 30 years (UF30) (after the river canalisation) and the other for about 130 years (UF130) (after river straightening and embankment work in the middle nineteenth century). In the three stands, species composition, structure and diversity of vegetation and nutrient content of mature leaf, leaf litter and soil have been studied. Fungi (Macromycetae) were only studied in two stands (F and UF130). The intensity of nutrient recycling was exemplified by comparing the chemical composition of rainwater, flood, throughfall, mature leaf, leaf litter, soil and groundwater in two of these stands (F and UF30). The elimination of floods has caused a change in floristic composition, tree density and plant diversity. Tree density was higher in the two unflooded stands and was related to a large increase in sapling (< 6 cm dbh) density more than to a change of stem (> 6 cm dbh) density. Sapling density increased 2 times and three times in the UF30 and the UF130 respectively, whereas the stem density increased only 12% in the first stand and decreased 29% in the second one. The saprophytic macromycete communities have been supplemented with mycorrhizal species


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    Today, biodiversity and ecological diversity are threatened by wrong and intense land use. However, the continuity and maintenance of ecosystems is possible through the existence and sustainable use of biodiversity. Biological inventories are needed for effective and sustainable natural resource management structure. Therefore, it is essential to determine the inventory of the natural asset in the area during ecological planning. Wetlands are ecosystems that shape cultural processes with their ecological importance and contributions to human communities. Recognition and protection of these areas which are open to anthropogenic effects with their environmental enhancing effects, and biological and socioeconomic values are of increasing importance. In this study, vegetation analysis of the wetland biotopes and the immediate surroundings of Kurucaşile (Bartın) district was carried out. In this context, 34 woody and 71 herbaceous plants were determined from 6 sample areas and vegetation composition of these species and their frequencies were determined with BraunBlanquet Method. Accordingly, the most common plants in the area; Alnus glutinosa subsp. glutinosa, Platanus orientalis, Salix alba, Rhododendron ponticum subsp. ponticum, Buxus sempervirens, Smilax excelsa, Petasites hybridus, Sambucus ebulus and Anagallis arvensis var. arvensis. Petasites hybridus is dominant taxa. By this way, it is aimed to create a database for the sustainable use of natural areas by explaining the wetland potential of the area

    Sulak Alan Biyotoplarında Vejetasyon Analizi (Kurucaşile/ Bartın/ Türkiye)

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    Today, biodiversity and ecological diversity are threatened by wrong and intense land use. However, the continuity and maintenance of ecosystems is possible through the existence and sustainable use of biodiversity. Biological inventories are needed for effective and sustainable natural resource management structure. Therefore, it is essential to determine the inventory of the natural asset in the area during ecological planning. Wetlands are ecosystems that shape cultural processes with their ecological importance and contributions to human communities. Recognition and protection of these areas which are open to anthropogenic effects with their environmental enhancing effects, and biological and socioeconomic values are of increasing importance. In this study, vegetation analysis of the wetland biotopes and the immediate surroundings of Kurucaşile (Bartın) district was carried out. In this context, 34 woody and 71 herbaceous plants were determined from 6 sample areas and vegetation composition of these species and their frequencies were determined with BraunBlanquet Method. Accordingly, the most common plants in the area; Alnus glutinosa subsp. glutinosa, Platanus orientalis, Salix alba, Rhododendron ponticum subsp. ponticum, Buxus sempervirens, Smilax excelsa, Petasites hybridus, Sambucus ebulus and Anagallis arvensis var. arvensis. Petasites hybridus is dominant taxa. By this way, it is aimed to create a database for the sustainable use of natural areas by explaining the wetland potential of the area.Günümüzde yanlış ve yoğun arazi kullanımları ile biyolojik ve ekolojik çeşitlilik tehdit altına girmektedir. Oysa ekosistemlerin devamı ve bakımı biyoçeşitliliğin varlığı ve sürdürülebilir kullanımı ile mümkün olmaktadır. Etkin ve sürekliliği olan doğal kaynak yönetim yapılanması için biyolojik envanterlere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu nedenle ekolojik planlama yapılırken alandaki doğal varlığın envanterinin tespiti şarttır. Sulak alanlar, ekolojik önemleri ve insan topluluklarına katkılarıyla kültürel süreçleri de şekillendiren ekosistemlerdir. Çevre kalitesini arttırıcı etkileri, biyolojik ve sosyo- ekonomik değerleri ile atropojenik etkiye açık bu alanların tanınması ve korunması günümüzde önemi gittikçe artmaktadır. Bu araştırmada Kurucaşile (Bartın) ilçesinin sahip olduğu sulak alan biyotopları ve yakın çevresinin vejetasyon analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda 6 örnek alandan 34 odunsu, 71 otsu bitki tespit edilmiş, bu bitkilerin Braun Blanquet Yöntemi’ne göre vejetasyon örtüsünün tür kompozisyonu ve türlerin örnek alanlarda tekrarlanma sıklıkları saptanmıştır. Buna göre alandaki en yaygın bitkiler; Alnus glutinosa subsp. glutinosa, Platanus orientalis, Salix alba, Rhododendron ponticum subsp. ponticum, Buxus sempervirens, Smilax excelsa, Petasites hybridus, Sambucus ebulus ve Anagallis arvensis var. arvensis’tir. Petasites hybridus ise baskın tür olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu çalışma ile alanın sulak alan potansiyeli açıklanarak doğal alanların sürdürülebilir kullanımı için veri tabanı oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır

    Флористичні знахідки на Житомирському Поліссі

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    Описано нові місцезнаходження 11 рідкісних видів флори Житомирського Полісся. Розглянуто хорологічні особливості їхнього поширення у регіоні.Описаны новые местонахождения 11 редкостных видов флоры Житомирского Полесья. Рассмотрены хорологические особенности их распространения в регионе.New locations of 11 rare species of flora of Zhytomyr Pole sye are described. Chorologycal features of these species in territory of Zhytomyr Polesye are considered

    The phytosociology of calcareous grasslands in the British Isles.

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    The thesis attempts a broad overall survey and classification according to the Zurich-Montpellier system ofplant sociology, of limestone grassland vegetation in the British Isles The classification is based on some 535 grassland Aufnahmen and 75 Aufnahmen of contact communities. In all, some 13 grassland Associations are recognised, whilst the zonal and successional communities are classified in 16 Associations. The Associations are classified in the system of classification advocated by Lohmeyer et al. (1962), and the phytogeographical relationships of the related Association-groups or Alliances are considered in detail. The limestone grassland communities of the British Isles have been found to be representative of four Classes: - (a) Festuco-Brometea - thermophilous dry grassland communities of the sub-mediterranean and sub - atlantic regions of Europe; (b) Elyno-Seslerietea - dry sub-montane, sub-alpine grass heaths of the low alpine region of central Europe and Scandinavia; ( c ) Molinio-Arrhenatheretea - mesophilous, grazed or mown hay meadows and pastures of the lowland zone of western Europe; (d) Violetea calaminariae - open grassland communities IV of heavy metal - rich strata and spoil banks. The thesis is divided into 5 parts : - Part 1 reviews the methods available for a vegetation survey and phytosociological technique in general; outlines the history and status of limestone grasslands; and summarises the methods used for previous description of British vegetation; Part 2 presents the results of the grassland survey and relates the change in overall floristic composition and grassland type to climatic factors using the climate diagrams of Walter & Lieth (1967); Part 3 considers the successional and zonal relationships of these grassland communities, whilst Part 4 discusses the validity of the methods used for the survey and suggests some of the logical extensions of t h is work with reference to the conservation and management of an area limestone grassland on the Magnesian Limestone of Co. Durham. Part 5 comprises 36 Association Tables and an Aufnahmen locality Appendix, and is to be found in the folio volume. References LOHMEYER, W. et a l . (1962). Contribution a 1 ' unification du systeme phytosociologique pour 1'Europe moyenne et nord-occidentale. Melhoramento, 15, 137-151. Walter, H. & Leith, H. (1967). Klimadiagramm Weltatlas. Jena

    A belső-somogyi homokvidék égerlápjainak cönológiai vizsgálata (Carici elongatae-Alnetum glutinosae W. Koch 1926) = Coenological analysis of alder swamps on sand dune area of Inner-Somogy (Hungary)

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    Abstract: The studied alder swamps are situated in SW Hungary on aeolian sand. Its canopy is dominated by Alnus glutinosa. Statistics of flora elements, life forms, phytosociological characters and social behaviour types are given. The surveyed stands are characterised by following specialists: Carex elongata, Hottonia palustris, Thelypteris palustris, Dryopteris carthusiana, D. dilatata, D. cristata, Urtica kioviensis, Ludwigia palustris, Leucobryum glaucum, Sphagnum palustr

    Critical revision of the Hungarian plant communities

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    Plants for Shade

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    The Home & Garden Information Center provides research-based information on landscaping, gardening, plant health, household pests, food safety and preservation, nutrition, physical activity, and health. This HGIC fact sheet provides information on plants for shade